Sunday 27 March 2011

Downdload link - for my Google Sketchup model

Downdload Link 
(for Google Sketchup Model)

These are the download link for my Google Sketchup model.


Animations of the building

Video 1 : describing inside the building

Video 2 : Describing outside the building

Video 3 : Shows the section of the building

Youtube website :
video 1 :
video 2 :
video 3 :

Sketchup Model - Final

Sketchup Model

Explanation :

These are the images of my final building. I still use the 3rd model and make an improvement in the model, like give a materials, colors, put a human figures, trees, and the other things to make the building is very suitable for art gallery.  

 Images from outside the building

 Both side

Upper ground building - from front side

Upper ground building - from back side

Lower ground building - from front side

Lower ground building - from back side

Images from inside the building

Upper ground building 

Lower ground building

Developed Sketchup model - week 3

Developed Sketchup Model
(task week 3)

Explanation :

 In this week, I change again the design of my building. At first, I just want to improve the design of the building that I created last week. However, I see that there are many weakness of the previous building.
The previous buildings have a very geometric shape. However, both building have different principles so that it gives an impression like both building is not match to each other, no connection at all, and seems boring. In addition, the building also has rooms that are less extensive. Therefore, I replace it with the current building.
In addition, the new building also has a longer space so it
seemed like free. besides that, I also want to give the glass material in several places, so the building gets enough light from outside. In addition, glass is also sometimes give the impression that quite elegant.


words : hide - serve
Clients: Mueck - Malangi

Model in Google Sketchup

Lower ground

Upper ground


Youtube video

Youtube video

Learning how to make a spiral stair

source :

Explanation :

I choose this video because I was interested in how to make a good and unique stairs. Before I saw this video, I only have little idea in make the stairs. From this video, I get inspired to create a circular staircase with a unique and transparent edge. I hope this video is also provide inspiration for others.

Monday 21 March 2011

Sunday 20 March 2011

36 Textures, preferred texture, and apply to the model

36 Textures

Section : Upper part

Section : Middle part

Section : Lower part

3 Preferred Texture 

bottom : bold

Middle : rough

Top : Smooth

Texture in model

picture 1   
Top : smooth      Middle : rough

picture 2 
bottom : bold

Monday 14 March 2011

Trial Model 2 (with stairs)

Trial Model 2
(with stairs)

Explanation :

I change my building design because the first building design is too imaginatif and quite difficult to be created in the real world. Moreover, the first design has weakness in space, since most component of the building are silinder and curvy, so it will be difficult for the artist make an exhibition there.

This building provides larger space than the previous building, and also flat surface area, so it will be essier to the artist make their exhibiton here.

In this week, I also try to insert the stairs inside the building so the ground floor and first floor will be connected. In the pictures below, I also take the picture of the building from the angle where the stairs can be simply seen.

Upper ground

Lower ground

both part

Monday 7 March 2011

18 sketches and trial model 1

18 Sketches

Clients :
MUECK : Boy, hide, large
MALANGI : Position, Serve, Primitive

large - primitive +++   large - position
large - serve  +++  hide - primitive

hide - serve  +++  boy - primitive
hide - position  +++  boy - serve

boy - position  +++  primitive - large
( . . . . . )  +++  serve - large

position - large  +++  serve - hide
primitive - hide  +++  position - hide

primitive - boy  +++  position - boy
serve - boy  +++  ( . . . . . . )

Trial Model 1

word : boy - position

Model in Google Sketchup

Tuesday 1 March 2011

My first assignment @ arch1101

Hi.. this is Jacqueline Muliawan's blog for my studies in course arch 1101.

In this blog, I would like to post several images in order to fulfill the requirement of the assignment.

This image below is one of my creative work when I was in Uniprep. 

I created this project using a triangular shape, and I also tried using several principles, such as scales, rhythm, focal point, in this model. As everyone can see, all the forms in this model are a triangle or other shapes that have a form similar with triangle. All triangles are prepared in such a way, like in different thicknesses, sizes, angles, etc., so it does not look boring. Moreover, under the hanging triangle there is a unique space, so if this model is really built, everybody could see the road with a beautiful alley. Additionally, to make this model look like a rhythm, a triangle composed of different sizes and anglesFurthermore, if the model is viewed from above, can be seen other principles such as scale, focal point, and this model also indicates a direction. In addition, to have a different pattern for the base, I also try to create their own pattern, although it look easy but it really takes patience.

This is another picture, and in my opinion, this building can be categorized as one of the best architectural design because of its design and environmental friendly system.
Building :  Zayed National Museum.
Location : Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi.

I choose this photograph of Zayed National Museum because I am interested with its unique design and chimney thermal system which are built inside. Overall the building is very different from the others, because it is surrounded by pile of soil that can be planted with trees. According to the environment condition nowadays, this building can be categorized environmentally friendly because it takes a lot of spaces, but still has green areas which are almost as large as an area of that building. Besides, the design of this building looks like a seashell or insect wings that makes this building different from the other building which is usually built with block-like shape. One of the other superiority of this building is the use of Thermal Chimney that will reduce the electricity usage in the field of the use of air conditioning. In summary, this building can be classified as an environmentally friendly and were in line with the environment condition nowadays. Currently Zayed National Museum is still under construction in Abu Dhabi.

In my opinion, the third picture below is one of the best beautiful picture which describe the old village.
Location : Bandung, Indonesia.

I choose this photograph because it shows a real figure of an old village where everything still look very natural. As we can see, trees are placed irregularly; the cropping pattern which is made in that area shows that the life was made without damaging the ecosystem. Moreover, the houses are also using a very simple technology; it can be proved from the very simple house construction and follow the irregular contours of the land. In addition, the green farming area also shows the living communities at that area still highly depend on the environment. As well, the figure also explains that water is a major necessity of life for human being and it proved by people prefer to build their houses near the lake than to build in the other areas. In summary, this photo illustrates the real image of life that is still quite natural.

One of Art work from several artists such as Mueck, Malangi, and Bansky :